Ramin Hajianfard Profile

ProfilesRamin Hajianfard (Ph.D., International Islamic University of Malaysia) is senior lecturer in Art & Design at the University Pendidakan Sultan Idris, in Selangor, Malaysia.

Ramin Hajian FardHis main area of research is on Mughal miniature painting, with a secondary emphasis on interfaith dialogue during the Mughal Empire of India. His MA was on peace painting, resulting in the following article:
• Hajianfard, R. (2013). Iranian painters for peace. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 25(2), 284-290.

He has written multiple entries for encyclopedias: six entries for The Great Events in Religion: An Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History (English), and five entries for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia (Persian).

He has published articles in both Persian and English including:

• Hajianfard, R. (2013). An introduction to the art of illuminating the Qur’an. Journal of Arts, Culture & Heritage, 2, 95-109 (English).

• Hajianfard, R. (2012-2013). Hajj painting: A traditional Egyptian art celebrating the Hajj. Bulletin of International Institute of Islamic Science, Thought and Civilization, 4, 12-13.

• Hajianfard, R. (2014). French orientalist painting: Colonial views or an artistic approach? In B. Atashinjan (Ed.), Naghd-e Nāmeh-e Honar [Professional Book (vol. 6) on the Research and Art Criticism] (pp. 25-45). Tahran: Mugham (Persian).

He has also translated multiple books, articles, and book chapters, about music, art, and philosophy, into Persian for publication in Iran.

He was the winner of the second prize for publishing and research at the University of Applied Science and Technology, Iran, 2013.

A video presentation he recently made, Persian Manuscripts of Ramayana || Illustrative Miniature Paintings, is now available on YouTube. (His part begins at 15:27.)

Work for CID:

Ramin Hajianfard wrote KC75: Sulh-i-Kul and KC83: Intercultural Aesthetics. He has also translated KC1: Intercultural DialogueKC2: Cosmopolitanism, KC3: Intercultural CompetenceKC4: Coordinated Management of Meaning, KC5: Intercultural CommunicationKC6: Intercultural CapitalKC7: Intergroup Relations DialogueKC8: Public Dialogue, KC10: Cross-Cultural Dialogue, KC75: Sulh-i-Kul, and KC83: Intercultural Aesthetics into Persian. He has also served as a reviewer for translations into Persian.

Author: Center for Intercultural Dialogue

Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz, the Director of the Center for Intercultural Dialogue, manages this website.

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