CFP Howard J of Communications: Intersectionality

“PublicationCall for articles: Special Issue of Howard Journal of CommunicationsInvestigating Intersectionality in Communication. Deadline: 30 September 2022.

Kimberlé Crenshaw, a few decades ago, conceptualized the term intersectionality to vividly argue the impact of a person’s multiple and interacting social identities on how they are treated by others. For communication scholars, it exposed the insufficiency and inadequacy of work that focus on studying single variables and it alerted us to the need to incorporate the effects of multiple embedded variables during communication. For instance, the fact that one is a woman, African American, and lesbian and/or living with a disability may interactively impact her status within society and the effects of how others communicate with her. This complexity identifies the realism of life. Although, Crenshaw coined the term intersectionality in 1989 and it was added to the Oxford Dictionary in 2015. Although the concept is increasingly discussed in academic literature, it is not yet fully explored and understood.

Therefore, the Howard Journal of Communications calls on scholars to submit manuscript for a special issue intended to deeply explore intersectionality within the field of communication as it pertains to African American social conditions. This call provides a wide range of choices for exploring communication and social conditions with the central theme of intersectionality. Submissions should be, preferably, research-based, and no more than 10,000 characters (including references) long. Suggested themes are listed as follows.

– Reconceptualizing identity in intersectionality
– Intersectional rhetoric
– Intersectionality: Theory or praxis?
– Research methods for exploring intersectionality
– Intersectionality critique
– Re-examining historical scholarship in communication and intersectionality
– Communication technologies and intersectional issues
– Other possible topics

Author: Center for Intercultural Dialogue

Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz, the Director of the Center for Intercultural Dialogue, manages this website.

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