ACCS Dr. D.Ray Heisey Graduate Student Scholarship

Call for application:
Dr. D.Ray Heisey Graduate Student Scholarship
Association for Chinese Communication Studies

Dr. D. Ray Heisey (1932-2011) was Director (1983-1996) and Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies at Kent State University. He was a renowned intercultural communication scholar who served as Advisor on many Chinese students’ dissertation committees. He had facilitated research collaborations between scholars and students in the US and from the Far East, Middle East, Europe, and North America. He loved traveling and experiencing other cultures, having lived in or visited over 40 countries. Dr. Heisey had taught in Chinese universities and published a great number of research works on Chinese communication studies with Chinese students and scholars. Dr. Heisey was a long term ACCS member. His enthusiasm, dedication to education, and personal and scholarly integrity continue to impact ACCS scholars. In honor of Dr. D. Ray Heisey’s contribution to Chinese Communication Studies, the ACCS has decided to establish a Dr. D. Ray Heisey Scholarship each year. The award amount is $400.

–       You must be a current ACCS member
–       You must be a second-year, or above, graduate student majoring in the area focusing on Chinese Communication Studies, enrolled full-time at a university.
–       You must complete an application form and submit all required materials* to the Committee of Dr. D. Ray Heisey Scholarship.
*Required materials: personal statement, two recommendation letters, current transcript, curriculum vita, and a writing sample.

–       The scholarship is awarded to a graduate student who has enrolled in the major in second year or above for the semester in which the scholarship is received.
–       An above average academic record (3.2 on a 4.0 scale) verifiable by current school transcripts.
–       An expressed desire to enter the field of Chinese Communication Studies in a 1-3 page typewritten statement of application.
–       Leadership skills and research records, and active involvement in ACCS activities.

The scholarships will be awarded for the academic year (Fall 2015-Spring 2016). The deadline for accepting applications is October 30, 2015. The online application form is at

Guo-Ming Chen Profile


Guo-Ming Chen is Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Rhode Island.

Guo-Ming ChenHe was the recipient of the 1987 outstanding dissertation award presented by the NCA International and Intercultural Communication Division. Chen is the founding president of the Association for Chinese Communication Studies. He served as Chair of the ECA Intercultural Communication Interest Group and at-large member of the SCA Legislative Council, and currently he is the President of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies. He is also the co-editor of Intercultural Communication Studies, China Media Research, and International and Intercultural Communication Annual, and serves on the editorial board of different professional journals.

Chen’s primary research interests are in intercultural/organizational/global communication. In addition to receiving various awards and honors, Chen has published over 150 papers, book chapters, and essays in Communication Yearbook, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, China Media Research, Human Communication, Communication Research Reports, Intercultural Communication Studies, The Howard Journal of Communications, Journal of Psychology, etc.

Chen has (co)authored and (co)edited 35 books and journal special issues, including Foundations of Intercultural Communication, Communication and Global Society, A Study of Intercultural Communication Competence, Dialogue Among Diversities, Study of Chinese Communication Behaviors, Chinese Conflict Management and Resolution, Introduction to Intercultural Communication, Theories and Principles of Chinese Communication, Asian Perspective of Culture and communication, Communication Research Methods, Communication Theories, and others.

Chen continues to be active in teaching, scholarship and in professional, university, and community services.

Work for CID:
Guo-Ming Chen wrote KC52: Harmony.