The Conflict Conference 2016 (Texas)

Call for submissions: The Conflict Conference 2016

The Conflict Conference (TCC) will hold its 2015 conference at the University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin) on April 8-9, 2016. TCC is a multidisciplinary annual conference promoting the study of conflict and conflict resolution. We invite Papers, Panel Proposals, and Posters on any relevant topic such as apologies, advocacy, dispute resolution, peace, negotiation, reconciliation, mediation, restorative justice, conflict management, and ethics.

The DEADLINE for submissions is January 24th 2016. Notices of acceptance will be sent no later than February 7th, 2016.

・PAPER PROPOSALS must include the author’s name and institutional affiliation, the title of the paper, and an abstract of no more than 150 words for the program. In addition, proposals must include a 600-word extended abstract without personal information. Abstracts should be based on research that is clearly in progress (if not yet completed), with a well-formulated research question, and with a good description of the types of data used (if the work is empirical) and of the approach.

・PANEL PROPOSALS must include a maximum 150-word abstract for the program, names, titles, and abstracts for each participant.

・POSTERS must include the author’s name and institutional affiliation, the title of the paper, and an abstract of no more than 150 words.

A clear description of a research design may be acceptable, as this can lead to useful discussions in the early stages of a project. Documents must be attached to an email as a Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF document.

TCC welcomes submissions from students. Please indicate student status in all paper proposals. Please send all proposals to TCC via email.

Conference events will be held on Friday, April 8th and Saturday, April 9th 2016 on the UT-Austin campus. A registration fee of USD $75.00 (two Austin artisan lunches, coffee, and refreshments included) is required.

Author: Center for Intercultural Dialogue

Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz, the Director of the Center for Intercultural Dialogue, manages this website.

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