Jhon Eduardo Mosquera Pérez Profile

ProfilesJhon Eduardo Mosquera Pérez is a full time English language educator at a public institution in Huila, Colombia. He is a first semester student in the master´s degree in learning and teaching processes in second languages at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.

Jhon Eduardo Mosquera PérezHe holds a bachelor degree in the teaching of English as a foreign language from Universidad Surcolombiana and a master´s degree in English language teaching from the same university. In addition to his current studies, he is working as a co-researcher within the framework of the research group “APRENAP” from Universidad Surcolombiana while being also part of a research hotbed at Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Some of his interests in terms of research are: language teacher identity, language assessment, the intersection between language teacher identity and autoethnography, interculturality, English as a lingua franca, computer assisted/technology enhance language learning (CALL/TELL), among others. At the moment of writing these words, he is working towards the publication of some articles delving into the just mentioned areas of knowledge.

Work for CID:

Jhon Eduardo Mosquera Pérez has translated KC2: CosmopolitanismKC17: Multilingualism, KC26: Global-Local Dialectic, KC40: English as a Lingua FrancaKC34: World Englishes, KC37: Dialogic Listening, KC51: Critical Discourse Analysis, KC62: Diaspora, KC68: Social Justice, KC70: VerstehenKC86: Educación Intercultural Bilingüe, and KC87: Culture Shock  into Spanish.

Author: Center for Intercultural Dialogue

Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz, the Director of the Center for Intercultural Dialogue, manages this website.

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