Peace-building and Dispute Resolution (USA but Online)

Events12th Annual International Cyber-Conference on Dispute Resolution: Peace-building and Dispute Resolution – A Bridge to the Future, California State University Domingo Hills, Online, 6 April 2022.

You are invited to the 12th Annual International Cyber-Conference on Dispute Resolution, Wed. April 6 @ Noon – 2:30 pm (US Pacific Coast Time). Feel free to invite your friends, colleagues, and community members to participate in this international event. Professors are encouraged to invite their students. Organizers also welcome practitioners and practitioner organizations.

Each year, the Cyber-conference has promoted a global town-hall style dialogue between practitioners, students, professors, mediators, arbitrators, Indigenous Peacemakers, scholars, lawyers, judges, law-makers, teachers, community leaders, and restorative practitioners working in both the public and private sector. The conference supports the work of those building safer and healthier communities.

For further information or if you have questions please contact Brian Jarrett at bjarrett AT